Mention Order

0     0     Edited Aug 31, 2015
Suppose a questionnaire contained the following question:

Q8. What are the first three US brands that come to your mind?

And suppose the data are coded into 3 variables, one for each mention.
figure 1.1

Each of the 3 variables share the same set of value labels.
figure 1.2

In Report Builder, to compute the percent of respondents that mentioned a certain brand, do the following...

In the Edit Measures window, select all 3 variables on the left.
figure 1.3

Next select one or more of the options in the Available Measures list...
figure 1.4

Then click the right arrow with ellipsis button and in the drop-down menu select "Multi-var combine using OR". (Until we think of a better name for it).
figure 1.5

Now the measures have been created, one for each option. And the syntax for Nike, for example, returns the percentage of all respondents that selected Nike (value 7) in any of the 3 variables (q8_1, q8_2, or q8_3).
figure 1.6

The above method works for both Percentages (as shown) and Frequencies.

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