How to use a PowerPoint Template

0     2     Edited Sep 2, 2015

Create Template in PowerPoint

When creating your template in PowerPoint, utilize the slide master and slide layout functionality. Your template should have at least one slide layout. If you have multiple slide layouts, be sure each layout has a unique name -- otherwise RB will only notice the first instance of each name.

Delete all the Slides

When you save your template, switch out of the master slide view and make sure there aren't any slides. RB will also warn you that your template shouldn't contain any slides.

Import Template

In the project tree, right-click on the root Project element. Click "Import Template...". It will ask you for a file. Select your PowerPoint file and click okay.

Set Slide Layout

Create a new Slide in the project tree and select it. Then select the Slide tab (now the Formatting tab) toward the top of the window. There's a drop-down box for the Slide Layout. Opening that box should reveal all the layouts in your template. Select the desired layout.


Under the Slide tab (now the Formatting tab), if you check the button tooltip'd "Background", RB will attempt to draw the background of your slide layout. Some powerpoint features are not visible in the preview window, but they will still appear when you export the slide.


Under the Formatting tab, if you check the button tooltip'd "Placeholders", you'll see the placeholders that were defined in PowerPoint for the selected layout. Placeholders include Title, Subtitle, SlideNumber, etc. To edit the value of a placeholder, double-click it. To use SlideNumber, double-click the placeholder and insert any text value (e.g., "#") and the exported slide will show the computed slide number.



robsmith Jan 25, 2016

I need to update this


Yes, you do. – Anonymous 1/25/2016 8:53:13 AM

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