How to Create Banner Tables

0     0     Edited Sep 3, 2015

Report Builder may be used to create crosstabs and banner tables. There are many possibilities for output formatting. For example: it is possible to horizontally stack multiple sets of banners in a single sheet. It is also possible to place multiple sets of banners on multiple sheets.

Create a new Spreadsheet Project


From the start page, create a new Spreadsheet project. The new project will contain a Spreadsheet and its first sheet.

Create tables

It is recommended that you create a separate table for each variable or set of related variables. If Q1 is a single response question with 10 options, your first table would possibly contain those 10 options. Then your next table would contain Q2 options, and so on. Combining huge sets of measures into a single table is discouraged for multiple reasons (formatting, performance, and manageability).

Create first table

Your first table was probably already created with the new project. If not, right-click on the sheet in the project tree and click "Add > Table".

Add Measures

With your first table selected in the project tree, locate the Measures box. It's the black box toward the top of the window in either the rows or columns container. Click on that box to edit the table's measures.

In the Edit Measures window, select your first variable(s) in the list on the far left. The middle list will then populate with available measures. Select the desired measures and click the right-arrow button. The selected measures will appear in the rightmost list. Then click okay.

Create additional tables

Repeat the process above to create a table for each set of variables.

Add Groups (a.k.a. Banner Groups)

It is possible to create a different set of groups for each table. But for this task, it is likely that all tables will share the same set of groups. So we'll edit the groups for all tables at the same time. Select all your tables in the project tree. Next, click on an empty spot in the columns container. The empty spot is labeled 'create groups'. The Edit Groups window will open.

Select a variable in the list on the left. Then select the options from the rightmost list. Groups may be totally customized using AND, OR and other logic using custom syntax. Custom syntax is not explained here. Once your groups are selected, click okay.

You have now created 1 set of banner tables. Select the spreadsheet in the project tree and click Export Spreadsheet.

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