If you leave comments on this website, you may wish to include more than just plain old text. Include hyperlinks, code blocks, and other formatting using Markdown. I've included links to the complete specification at the end, but here's a quick cheat sheet.
To insert a raw URL, enclose the URL in brackets <http://metricstudios.com>
, yielding this:
Or you can do something like this [Metric Studios](http://metricstudios.com)
. That would
display the text in the brackets, but link it to the URL in parenthesis, yielding this:
Metric Studios
Images are like links, but they have an exclamation point in front of them:

The above markup results in this:
The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software.
End a line with two spaces to add a <br/>
Enclose in *single asterisks*
to create italicized text.
Enclose in **double asterisks**
to create bold text.
And ***triple asterisks***
creates text that is bold and italic.
To include a small section of inline syntax such as pctinrange(Q1,8,10)
then enclose the syntax in backticks. A backtick is that character which is probably on the same key as the tilde (~), to the left of the 1 key and above the Tab key. `pctinrange(Q1,8,10)`
If you'd like to show multiple lines of syntax, ensure you're in a new paragraph by inserting a blank line with two spaces, then put four spaces at the start of each line:
[four spaces]pctinrange(Q1,0,4)
[four spaces]pctinrange(Q1,5,7)
[four spaces]pctinrange(Q1,8,10)
Codeblocks are printed in a monospace font to make syntax as readable as possible.
Add a >
to the beginning of any line to create a blockquote.
> Here's the first line of a blockquote
> Here's the second line
And the result is this:
Here's the first line of a blockquote
Here's the second line
* Use an asterisk for a bullet
* Like this
* and this
The above markdown would yield this:
1. Just start the line with a number, like this.
2. Markdown keeps track of the numbers for you.
7. So this will be item 3.
The above markdown would yield this:
A fairly straightforward explanation of Markdown is found on StackOverflow.
If that doesn't suffice, visit the official Markdown syntax reference page.