This is a place to request new features for Report Builder. Thank you for your contributions.
First you upload your dataset to our secure servers. Then in Report Builder you connect your project to the remote dataset (rather than the local SPSS file). Our servers are able to compute the results faster – because they are high performing machines plus they split the task among multiple machi... [view]
Is there a way to save the data so that I don't have to rerun everything whenever I open the file? I have all my tables set up, but when I exit out of the program, the next time I open it up, then I have to re-run them again. Does that make sense? [view]
It would be good to have the possibility to make one of the rows in a table (rows as displayed, whether from actual rows dialog or measures) have different color settings from the rest. [view]
Be able to use the small population t-stat testing. With smaller populations, smaller sample sizes yield higher confidence than if you had an infinite population. [view]
Here's how it would work. If user selects one or more item(s) in the project tree, all having the same parent, user can drag the item(s) and drop somewhere else. The drop location must be a valid location for the type of item(s) being dragged. This might commonly be used to simply re-order items wi... [view]
Specify a minimum for stat testing to be run. Then show somehow (perhaps with a *) to indicate that stat testing has not been performed against any column that is below the threshold. [view]
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