pctinrange doesn't compute weighted value if range contains null

0     2     Edited Nov 25, 2015 by Anonymous

RESOLVED. I discovered a small bug in RB when using weights. If you have a range defined with an empty upper or lower boundary (‘null’ in the syntax below) weighted value will always show up as 0.


However setting the max value to an actual number instead (in this example to 100) solved the problem:




robsmith Nov 16, 2015

This bug is confirmed. I see it in the source code. In the function pctinrange(q, minvalue, maxvalue), if either minvalue or maxvalue are null, the weighted result doesn't compute. I'll release a fix ASAP.


robsmith Nov 25, 2015

This issue is resolved as of release 1.2.1030 11/23/2015.

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